Featured Beers

Three Bridges Light Beer

Three Bridges Light is an American light lager that’s very much a “beer” flavored beer. Derek and Carley thought it best to give this beer a simple name. The Midland Eye Care crew had a sneak peek at their Christmas Party here and really enjoyed it. It was brewed to have a full flavor but be recognizable as something many would consider “beer”. It’s a crushable, easy-to-drink, light beer that’s unique in its own way. At 4.4% ABV, you’ll be able to enjoy a few!

It’s on tap now!

Low Life

Low Life is a departure for us in a few ways. This 2% abv pale ale will perk up your taste buds but not put you under the table. At 64 calories per 12 oz it is perfect for those looking to cut carbs and calories. Don’t misunderstand, this beer is very much a pale ale and not an “ultra” lager style as you’ll find from the big boys. This beer was brewed while Kevin was on vacation so that he wouldn’t have a chance to dump it out. 🙂 Kidding aside, he says it’s “not bad”. I think it’s “really good”. We used 100% rye malt from Mitten State Malt. Thank you, Larry.

Have Some Fun

Have Some Fun is an IPA with a simple twist. We tinctured raisins in our Rum (stay tuned for more on that). We used Green Bullet hops which are known to impart raisiny goodness as well as a very healthy dose of dark crystal malts for the same reason. ABV is 7.8% so a little on the big side, but not too bad.